• Learning Kiswahili is very interesting

    You read a word as how it is written and spoken.
  • Kiswahili is the easiest language to learn on earth

    It is funny and enjoyable
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    No matter your background, join us and learn Kiswahili on your own timetable..

For Foreigners

Become Good Swahili speaker by exploring to our easy to learn courses

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Welcome to Kiswahili for Foreigners

Kiswahili is the easiest language to learn on earth. This is because you write a word as how you speak it and, you speak a word as how you have written it. There are no manipulations. In this session you will be guided by professional tutors to your interaction with this language. We give you what you need according to your level. We give you basic language tools for your interaction with native speakers. Don’t worry. It is very easily to learn this language as you are in good hands of professional tutors. I welcome you to take our Kiswahili courses online so as to get free laboratory for your practices.

Kiswahili is a Bantu language. It is an African language of liberation struggles. It is Bantu language because of linguistic evidences that many words are originated from different mother tongues found in Tanzania. It also has influences of Arabic language as well as from other languages such as English, German, and Portuguese just to mention a few. Kiswahili is a language of liberation "ukombozi" because it played a key role in liberation struggles soon after Tanzanian independence 1961 under The First President of Tanzania Baba wa Taifa Mwalimu J.K. Nyerere. Tanzania fought front line so as to rescue neighboring countries to be free from colonial dominion. The language which was used to unify all efforts and struggles was KISWAHILI

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Long program

You learn 2 hrs per week. You pay 35,000/= per hour .


Normal program

You learn 2 hrs per day which is 10 hrs per week. You pay 40,500/= per hour .


Moderate program

You learn for 3 hrs per day which is equal to 15 hrs per week. You pay 45,000/= per hour .


Intensive course

You learn for 4 hrs per day which equals to 20 hrs per week. You pay 50,000/= per hour .










Elizabeth Godwin Mahenge is expert in teaching Kiswahili language for foreigners. She did this job for 18 years now, first as an assistant teacher but later as a professional teacher. She taught students from different parts of the globe U.S., German, Britain, Australia, from different parts of the African continent and different parts of the Asian Continent. She has been in South Korea at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) for one year from 2012-2013 to teach foreign students who choose to learn Kiswahili courses. She taught different levels from beginner, intermediate and advanced. She taught different courses from Swahili Practices, Swahili Writing, East African Studies just to mention a few. She also taught post graduate students at HUFS who took Swahili interpretation and Swahili translation. Then in 2017 November up to 2018 February She was at Leipzig University in Germany as an exchange student (PhD) where she volunteered to help students polish their Kiswahili speaking and listening skills. Lastly but not the least she is teaching Kiswahili for foreigners at the University of Dar es Salaam as well as creative writing. Having this background we hope you will enjoy taking our online courses and interact with this language in a friendly way. ENJOY YOUR STUDY. KARIBU SANA.


Explore some of our SWAHILI SPEAKING gallery photos, we participate in some charity activities to return to the community..

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Pricing Lists

We have affordable prices for our courses

PLAN 1 - Intensive course

You learn for 4 hrs per day which is equal to 20 hrs per week. You pay 15,000/= per hour

PLAN 2 - Moderate program

You learn for 3 hrs per day which is equal to 15 hrs per week. You pay 10,000/= per hour

PLAN 3 - Normal program

You learn 2 hrs per day which is 10 hrs per week. You pay 7,500/= per hour

PLAN 4 - Long program

You learn 2 hrs per week. You pay 5,000/= per hour

What People say

Kufundisha Kiswahili kwa wageni ni ajira. Tutumie fiursa hii kujiajiri

Peter Chambo
- Student

Learning Swahili is like singing, you enjoy how they speak. This language is easy to learn unlikely Indo-European languages. Enjoy your interaction with people and their culture.

Maria Provian Dandi
- Student

It was my pleasure to know this kind of website where I am able to learn swahili easily. Thanks team for this kind of service. Asante sana wapendwa

Peris Mzighwa
- Student


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